Why choose us?

Sertensys is dedicated to fostering and nurturing strong relationships with our customers, to the benefit of all parties.

We interact with our customers on a regular basis and work closely on-site with them. We have an in-depth and real-time understanding of our customers' needs. It enables us to not only develop timely solutions to difficult problems, but also develop and strengthen the customer team.

Environmental Protection

Recyycling Services

Increasing legislation and a commitment to ISO14001 are making a dramatic impact on the way in which all businesses view waste. Sertensys WasteLine can help you to manage the challenges of recycling, reduce your carbon footprint and ultimately play your part in reducing the UK’s reliance on landfill disposal.

We help companies adopt waste hierarchy principles and in doing so have helped our customers improve recycling rates by over 200% and often achieve a zero to landfill outcome. In many cases this can equate to up to 40% savings by using our industry knowledge, buying power and optimising equipment.

Sustainability Mnaagement

A major challenge currently facing facility owners is reducing the demand for energy for economic and political reasons, as energy consumption intrinsically impacts on carbon emissions. Reducing energy usage during the operational phase of a facility's life will reduce carbon emissions. When you consider that 30-40% of a country's total carbon emissions is attributable to buildings and other constructed facilities, it is clear that operations and, therefore, facility management have a significant role to play.

As part of this process we are pleased to be able to offer BREEAM In-Use to unlock carbon reductions and environmental efficiencies in customers’ buildings. This is offered with the expert support of BRE - an independent research organisation and consultancy which helps government, industry and business to create better, safer and more sustainable buildings.